Had a little fun fun making some cute little ornaments with October Afternoon's cute Christmas scrapbooking paper. I used some star chip board shapes and then fancied it up with some awesome ribbon from Maya Road. I thought it would be cool to randomly 'surprise someone by decorating their cedar with these cute decorations. {smile} I sure hope that they liked stars! To make them water proof, I sprayed them with a couple coats of outside acrylic sealer. They were easy to make and so fun to deliver! I thought that it would be a great way to spread a little 'love'.
Next giveaway is this week….. PLEASE…..send those comments & pictures in! Christmas can really be hard on some people sometimes….so let's share a smile, a homemade card, or even a kind word! Thank-you for everything that you do. The things I have read and heard are so cool!
~ Susan
The Boy's Brigade puts up christmas wishes on their tree annually. Simple things like a kettle, toaster, food warmer for needy families. My dad and I bought some items and delivered them yesterday. Felt good to bring a little cheer to those with less than us.