
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What is your story?

My Story:

Well, my story started on March 2, 1970 in Ontario, Canada.

I am a daughter, sister, wife, mom, artist, writer, designer, explorer, survivor ..... and anything else I feel like doing during any particular day!

My Mum's story ended on March 2, three years ago. Life has been a series of ups and down, laughter and tears...and SO many blessings....some so obvious that I trip over them and some blessings so hidden that I don't see them until years after the fact. Life is AWESOME! Life is hard,but amazing. We all have personal roads that we have to travel upon that twist and turn, go up and down. However, we journey on....


I LOVE family history! I used to always ask my parents questions about their childhood and how it was when we're growing up. We always sat around the kitchen table and would laugh, giggle and sometimes cry, as we told family stories. These are some of my favourite memories.


My dad was the photographer in the family. He was always taking pictures of us when I was growing up. I am SO glad that he did. I guess that is where I got my 'photodiction': or addiction of constantly taking pictures. One day my children will grateful for this, just like I am grateful for my dads habit! I have found so many photos that my dad took through the years and from looking at those pictures I can see how my dad 'saw' the world! It is really cool!

My mother loved to write. After she passed away, I found so many of journals of hers that I didn't even know that she had kept. It is wonderful to read her story. It is wonderful to learn another side of her.

There are so many awesome ways to tell your story!


I would love to celebrate my birthday with you.

Leave a comment at the end of this blog telling me 'How you tell your story?' Plus I want to know 1 awesome thing about you...'What is your story?' One person will receive a box of my favourite art supplies including one of my stamp kits.

Thank-you for being AMAZING!!!!!

You really are!!! You are the star of your own amazing story... Don't ever forget that!


Susan xo



  1. I tell my story through scrapbooking as it gives me somewhere to safely store my photos. I have found so many old photos and not known who is in them or about the event. My mom filled in some of the blanks but detail get lost in time.

  2. I tell my story through art, writing and photography... that makes scrapbooking a natural extension since it combines all three. I love that my skills as a photographer allow me to help other people record their stories.

  3. For as long as I can remember I have kept a diary or journal ... documenting events, feelings, thoughts, emotions, happenings and through the years the style has changed and I have become more creative not artistic ... I wish! I love to scrapbook and for the most part my obsession has been about a young lady I met 25+ years ago and whom I now provide in home support as she is developmentally delayed. She has been there for me through tough times, and I have been there for her as friend, mentor, support, advocate, cheerleader and she sometimes says 'special mom'. Marilyn Ritchie

  4. My story is usually spoken and told by me out loud, that sometimes can bring giggles, tears & laughter... Other ways I tell my story is by writing captions under photos... Like to do it other ways too.. Wish I had my parents around a little longer, so to get to know them - they passed away in their 20's... But I was blessed to be raised by my mom's youngest sister Joanne & her husband Ray aka Auntie & Uncle Ray...

    Thank you for letting me tell you a little of my story... Have a Happy Birthday! May ALL your wishes and dreams come true and many blessings too! πŸ˜†πŸŽΆπŸ…πŸŽ‚πŸŽ†πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

  5. Happy Birthday... Blessings on Your Day <3
    I believe I tell my story through my scrapbooks, my crafting, my journal and the life I live. I always tell people life is a Journey and a Gift from God, my scrapbooking is my love letter to God and those who come behind me. It's my legacy. Through my pages I express my thoughts, my struggles, my pains, my victories, my loves !

  6. I'm not much of a talker so my scrapbooks tell my story. Through photos and journaling. I don't think there is anything awesome about me. I love crafting and usually give away the things I make.
    Happy Birthday!

  7. I journaled for years. I like to scrapbook, but surprisingly don't do as much journaling on the traditional pages (a picture needs to tell the 1000 words) But I have discovered I quite like doing Project Life to capture the everyday moments ~ and qutie like the idea of capturing the mundane. I love looking back and seeing what habits we used to do, what routines. I'd like to create a timeline that chronicles my life..still working on how that would look ~ maybe like an Aztec Codex...?!
    Awesome about me? I love the way I make little surprise decorations for my kids on special days for them to wake up to a little display of something as they come down the stairs. Like little toilet paper tube art of Chewbaca and R2D2 for May the 4th be with you : ) A sproingy frog and lilypad for Leap Day this week. Lunch box notes etc. Nothing fancy, just fun and totally silly.
    Happy belated birthday ~ wishing you a wonderful week and fabulousness all the year through!


I would LOVE to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a message!