
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Surtex 2015 : Susan's Adventures

I have been home from New York City and the Surtex show for almost a week now and my head is going a million miles an hour. I had a super fantastic show. 

                   "Surtex is the annual trade show for trade show for the surface design industry."

The picture above is all the wonderful designers, including myself, in our booth at the show. I felt so honoured to be part of such amazing talent! 

 Being a country girl, I have to admit that New Yourk City was a wee bit over whelming! Really crazy busy! I couldn't believe all the people, taxis, and horn beeping. I did love all the color and old buildings. That was super cool. Lots to look at. Lots of neat things that I could take pictures of and draw! 
It super fun to see fun to see a life sized Mr.Gnomey go up in our booth. I'm happy to report that he had an awesome time! 

The booth looked wonderful when it was finished and ready to do. Everyone's artwork nicely complemented each other's work. Plus, it was wonderful meeting new designers, companies, and buyers. 
    It made me so happy to meet in person so many of the designers that have been so supportive of me with my recent battle with Cancer. It was wonderful to be able to thank them in person and give them a hug! 
                                              Of course I had to take a in-booth selfie! 

The National Scabook Show was going on at the same time so I had a chance to wander over and take a peek and say hi to some friends like Jayme Shepard from Hazel & Ruby, and Teresa Collins.

Having a chance to show my work this year in New York was a dream come true. I wasn't sure if I could physically do it. In January, my hubbie just looked at me and said go for it. You only live once. So...I went for it! And I am really am glad that I did. It took and lot of courage and strength, prayer, and a guardian angel or two, but it was worth it. I had to pace myself and know when I was getting tired out. I am grateful for understanding designers that I shared the booth with. I also had a fantastic roommate! 

Irene Chan was my roommate and I feel so blessed to know her. She always put a smile on my face, not to mention, she is such an extremely talented designer. 
I had so much fun preparing and showcasing my designs for this amazing show. I'll give you a glimpse of some of my designs and products that were at Surtex.
It really was an amazing week! And I know this year is going to be truly an art-packed year for me! 

It really was a lovely week, but I can say that it is always nice to get home. There is just something so charming about our open prairie skies. *smile*
                                                              Have a beautiful day. 
                                                                         Susan xoxo

Hey, Susan K.Weckesser Inc. Has a new website! Have you seen it? Be sure to go and check it out!! 
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to catch all our current news and to get some crafting and art tips too! 



  1. So cool checking everything out, super glad that you went, you have such a wonderful supportive husband! Totally loving the fabrics...and the life-size gnomie just thrills me, lol

  2. Looks like a wonderful time! So glad you were able to go and enjoy yourself!


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