
Monday, March 3, 2014

A little note…. please read with an open heart!

watecolour Teacup signedBefore I start in on my little note I would like to thank-you all the wonderful friends ,family, co-workers, artists, everyone that likes my artwork & writing, for all the wonderful Birthday wishes! Your don’t know how special you made this birthday!!!
Thank-you from the bottom of my heart!
Now, it saddens me to have to write this note, but I feel like I should. This past Christmas Love Campaign was the best CLC yet! They are all amazing , but it really was incredible how many people we were able to help and touch. That being said I have seen some darkness creeping over my lovely little campaign & that really defeats the purpose plus it really makes my heart sad. This season we, I, really had a hard time getting the parcels out. For some strange reason they were returned back to me.So… a couple of time I had to bundle up and trudge off to the post office to resend parcels. Plus, you also must understand that I never started this with just prizes in mind. My goal was to have artists, crafter’s, everyone to do random nice things for strangers and it just happened that prizes became involved. I loved doing  that because I love giving things to people, and I was/am doing this in memory of my father.  However, it is just me doing this. I have no financial donations for the postage and packaging. Plus, I know that when I mail a parcel to my son who is serving a two year mission in Japan…it takes up to 8 weeks to get the parcel. Which can be expensive and frustrating. Canada’s Postal system is good but rather slow at times! This year also saw me flat on my back with kidney & gall stones, Crones Disease and such numbness and blinding pain in my face and arm that I am going through all kinds of wonderful tests. Life sometimes can be a challenge but we just smile and do the best we can.
I LOVE what I do! That is why I have been doing it for these years. But, I have ALWAYS stayed away from contention, gossip, bad situations, and unhappiness. Life is just to short!!! Please know that… yes, all parcel of been sent out. YES, I adore all of your work, and comments! No…. I don't get paid by any sponsors of the Christmas Love Campaign. If anything, I have usually reached out to them because I wanted to do something nice for all the people that GO THE EXTRA MILE! Like this year I was SO happy that we were able to deliver a huge box of crafty goodness to people that had no where to go on Christmas Day! In the afternoon on Christmas Day we went to help serve supper for those people that were lonely or had no place to go and it was so lovely to see them SMILE! Seeing my parents die SO young and so needlessly this past year …I realized life it SO SHORT!!!
If I have offended anyone…. I truly am sorry.
If you truly know me, my artwork, and what I stand for ….. you know that I am always looking to Live to Create – Create to Live and am ALWAYS looking to SPREAD love to those around me!
Will there be a 6th Annual Christmas Love Christmas?
I don’t know? I know my Dad would be cheering me on, but truthfully with this feedback that I have received from one or two people it has totally got me off guard and taken the wind out of my sail. My mom always told me I was a softy..I guess she was right. And that’s OK I like me the way that I am ! *smile* I will though always do RAK for people, if I still do the CLC or not. That has been to important in our family to give up. I give haven’t decided.  Please I would ask though… remember that before you talk about people, do you really know what’s going on in their life or behind the scenes! Words can hurt! Ouch!
So… A BIG thank-you to the people that have been understanding. You know who you are. Thank-you also for you continued support of me and Susan K. Weckesser Inc.
Have a SUPER AMAZING week!
Susan xo
You're awesome girlsigned


  1. I find it appaling that people would talk or say anything negative that just goes against CLC's main focus. You must do what is best for you. I can say for myself that I loved the CLC, I shared my projects because I love getting feedback (not for a prize. . .although had I won that would have been a huge bonus). I also loved seeing and hearing about other people projects, I found lots of inspiration through the projects and projects that I would like to try in the future. Whatever you choose I will support your decision :)

  2. *HUGS* Why oh why do people have to be mean spirited? They must be terribly unhappy themselves. You have done a wonderful job and you are always so kind. You spread cheer to others and you try to make others feel happy. You do what is best for you with the CLC. Please try not to let the bad seeds get you down. You surely don't deserve that. Also, I hope your are feeling much better soon. Take good care of yourself. :)

  3. It is hard to hear that even one or two people have to make negative comments to you. I am like you and don't do well with gossip,negativity,and meanness. It has caused me to step back for the last year and concentrate on what is important and continue to craft just for myself. Your campaign has been a wonderful project and I was always so delighted to see so many people share beautiful projects. I hope to see you continue for the original purpose and only you can do that. You are such a special lady and a kind person-I know that is true. Take care of yourself and many blessings.

  4. I am so sorry that this has happened. The first time I saw your CLC I had no clue what it was about or how to participate. This past year I decided to give it a shot. What I realized was that it was so much fun! I'm the type that will help out when needed but this was so different for me. Actually trying to make someones day a bit brighter. I'm already thinking of things I could do better for the next campaign.....if there is one. I really want to do some raks even if there isn't. You have definitely inspired me to try to be a better person and I thank you for that.

  5. Hi Susan, I know it's difficult to not take what other 's say to heart. The most empathic people are often those most easily hurt. But, please try to focus on how you feel about you. You are the only one who truly knows what is happening in your life & what your intentions are. So, only you are fit to judge you.
    Theresa x

  6. Be an Eagle and SOAR...don't let the turkeys get you down. There are always people that will try to tear others down...usually in the hopes of making themselves look either better or not so bad. Those people are already "beneath" you, so don't let them drag you down to their level or suck the joy out of what you what or why you are doing what you're doing. Have faith & pray for those that persecute you. Nothing will free you more and it might even help them in the process, too!!

  7. I am so sorry to hear that you went through something like this when you are such a kind hearted person! This was my first time with the CLC but I see so much potential in it! You are awesome and you rock, don't listed to those few, only follow your heart!

  8. Do away with the prizes! I wager that the people who really understand and support what you are doing won't miss them at all, I know I won't! Hugs!!

  9. Sorry you have had this happen. You are such a big hearted person and don't deserve it at all. Follow your heart and do what you think is right. much love Dee xxx

  10. Susan I am heart sorry this has happened...sadly there will always be a few bad eggs...ignore and do what you do best. Sending love and hugs your way....xxxxx

  11. Thank-you, Thank-you , Thank-you for your wonderful words and your support!! You are SO right... I can soar above all of this!! I guess when you aren't feeling to great it just takes a little extra energy to fly....but it sure can be done! You are all AMAZING!! {hugs}xo

  12. Dearest Susan.... You are a BEAUTIFUL soul... I think you should ditch the prizes and let the "love" of this campaign pay itself forward... the true spirit of behind what you started will persever. You said it in your post... "My Dad would be Cheering me On", isn't THAT what it was all about? (((HUGS)))


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