
Friday, October 4, 2013

It's all in our perspective!

Greetings from Down Under 
where the birds are in full flight 
for spring has well and truly sprung 
and many noisy critters are are out there
having lots of fun!

About this time last year I was anticipating my very first project and blog post 
here at My Sweet Earth.
So much went through my mind as I ventured down an unknown path.
There certainly are differences but so much is warm and familiar.
Crafters are sharers and the women on this team have been carers.
This, my last post ( maybe) has a little crafting about 
my Super Star and his Happy Place.

Whilst Super Star has not painted the town yet Idyll Hours is certainly a place to live 
In Full Color!

The Laughing Birds are from his vivid imagination.
Yes, I smile every time I hang clothes on the line as they watch me with their steely gaze.

Living and loving and enjoying all that is good in our amazing world 
is something we both try to do every day.
Not always easy.
Not always achieved!
But an aim to reach for.

Super Star's happy place as you can see,
has lots of stuff that's a mystery to me.
As Susan's sweet sentiment says:
There are good moments that will run away...
 if we let them.

If you would like to know the how's and what's of my happy bit of creative time
you can find it here on my blog post

If you would like to follow this passionate Aussie Crafter
from my Perspective-
I'd be honoured .....
and it has been an honour and a privilege to play here too!
Don't be a stranger ... I am a mouse click away.
Julie Short


  1. Helloooo Friend...thank you for sharing a part of you and your superstar!!
    You know I love those laughing birds and oh my what fun I could have in supertstars happy pace..loved reading your post...you are beautiful and creative!!
    Big hugs

    1. Thank you and sending it back to you ---except the Super Star because you have one of your own.

  2. HOw cool! I love these photos and how you have highlighted them! Off to check your blog!

  3. Julie, it is a pleasure getting to know you. You are super talented....thanks for sharing it with us. I already hit the follow button on your blog.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with us. I love your pics of those laughing birds. I will very much miss seeing your work here ay My Sweet Earth, but will check in on your blog. And hopefully other places in blog land.

    1. Thank you for the lovely compliment Julie. I look forward to seeing you about too!


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