
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bloom Where You're Planted

I am a stay at home mom.

The first time I was able to say that was 8 years ago and like so many who thought they knew it all, I thought it would be a breeze. BOY...was I wrong.

It was HARD! Aside from the day to day job of caring for a child and a house, I felt like I was slowly losing my identity. Most of my conversations were spent trying to interpret the ramblings of a 2 year old, while trying to figure out how the heck June Cleaver did it all it heels, pearls and a perfect head of hair, while I couldn't seem to get out of my PJs.

I didn't know who I was anymore or what I was suppose to be when I "grew up."

Fast forward 8 years....4 months ago I quit my job that I had had on and off, full-time/part-time for the last 5 years, so once again I am a stay at home mom, but...I think I've matured in the last 8 years.

I've made the conscious decision to not let WHAT I DO define WHO I AM. Yes...I might joke that I am a chef, maid, laundress, snot-wiper, drill sergeant, elementary tutor, etc, etc, but above all that...I'm a MOM. I get the amazing PRIVILEGE of building up these little people and having hands on influence on the next generation of the human race. That's pretty powerful stuff if you ask me.

My project today is for those of you who were like me...wondering why you're in this job or that situation...wondering why your "stuck" here or there. Try...for just a moment not to ask "why?" and just look at wherever you are as an opportunity! To grow as a person, the learn new things, to help others. There is a reason you are there and you can GROW and BLOOM where ever you are, if you choose to.

I combined the house from Susan's paper and stamped images of little houses using Susan's stamps for Unity Stamps to make a little neighborhood. I surrounded my neighborhood with fussy cut flowers, making my houses "bloom" in a beautiful garden! I felt like this really followed my idea...I am GROWING in my own HOME!

  I used Prima Marketing's crackle stencil to add pink texture to my background.

Hanging above my neighborhood garden are glittery, shimmery clouds!

I wanted to accent the LOVE in our house by accenting the hearts on the little house, so I added Ranger's Glossy accents.

I wanted the whole project to be very dimensional, so I used this little trick: instead of using 3-D "pop dots" (which we all know are not the stickiest or very permanent), I simply layered 1-3 small pieces of corrugated paper to give my projects tons of levels!

I hope you enjoyed my little project! I enjoyed making it for you!

You can find me in cyberspace here:
Instagram: thecreativelifestudios
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thecreativelifestudios
Twitter: thecreativelifear
Blog: www.thecreativelifear.blogspot.com

Have a blessed day! 



  1. What wonderful colour and happiness your peace fives out Keri!

  2. Really enjoyed reading your post today Keri....being a parent is one of the hardest and most joyful jobs you can do!
    Your project is so full of thevjoy you have and color..love it!!

  3. Beautiful words and art. Thank you for sharing both with us.

  4. Beautiful canvas, just love all the layering and the glossy accents on the heart.

  5. Awesome Keri - you are so talented my friend. Love your art!

  6. Love your story and the wisdom you shared! Bought tears to my eyes ( been reflecting and "dealing" with emotions around circumstances in my life).
    Your project is so awesome, colorful and cheerful... love all those little tips !!

  7. What a wonderful canvas and your words are so true! Love all the colors and layers!

  8. Thank you all for your sweet words!!!


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