
Friday, August 2, 2013

Getting organised...one project at a time!

Hi there, it's Julie Short here and I am on a bit of an organising kick at the moment.
The other day I was wandering through our local op shop and this little treasure caught my eye.

 I don't know about you but I seem to spend too much time looking for business cards, paint chips for yet another pot of my current favourite colour as well as warranties and instructions for recent purchases.
The accordion folder certainly deserved a makeover and could be a perfect catch all.

So out came the Susie B range of papers, the Unity Susan K. Weckesser Washi stamps, Pan Pastels and Viva Decor Pearl Pens.
In pretty quick time I jazzed up the accordian file.

This is the front with the wonderful house and alpahbet letters individually cut. Because I intend to use this, when I had finished decorating with Pan Pastels - how smooth they are, I gave both sides a very thorough spray with fixative.

I was pretty pleased too that the "Live in Colour" came from a remnant paper piece and it fitted perfectly.

Now we just have to get into the habit of using our organiser so that we can be ..... a lot more organised.
That should leave me more crafting time ...shouldn't it?


  1. Hellooo Julie, what a great find and you made it into something useful and ohhhh so crafty!!
    That large how is a fav of mine I have to confess .. . I need to get some viva pens..love the look they cive to your project.

  2. Nice repurpose of the book! Love it


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