
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Make - over Mayhem!

Hello I am so glad you dropped by! This is Julie Short from a miserable and chilly Australia.

Does this sound familiar - " I think I'd like a small can of paint to jazz up the  ......"
Here we are a year later and the one can has become many and the jazzing up has spilled outside the house, inside the house and has now ventured into wardrobes, cupboards and seriously now, I am looking at me!

Yes MakeOver Mayhem has certainly hit at Chez Short.

It all starts with a seriously critical look around.

Then come the paint charts. Punchy and bright - flashes of delight was the aim!

The amazing frangipanni wire sculptures are almost a metre in diameter - eventually there were three!

And here is Phase One of our experimenting.

Now when putting this page together I also got to use something else I love! Stamps! Susan K Weckesser Washi Tape Stamps for Unity. The originals and still the ones I reach for!

Take a scrap and stamp - Voila! Washi embellishments as you like it.

So.... what needs a makeover around your place ????
Be warned though .... it can be .... a never ending story.
Have fun


  1. First...WOW Julie....looove your makeover layout, the house with the pebbled roof, washi tape galore....oh my I need that sculpture and the colors you are doing everything...STUNNING and look forward to seeing more pics along the way!!!
    Hmmmm I think I need some mayhem over here in Scotland Julie!
    Tracy xxx

    1. This is only a wee bit of it Tracy! Lots of changes! I can nick over and help you with the mayhem if you like.

    2. I will need to get more garden,lol!!


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