
Friday, June 7, 2013

Technique Toolbox with Claudine Hellmuth

          GUESS WHAT!?
Claudine Hellmuth is having a SUPER, AWESOME workshop! You don’t want to miss it! I have been friends with Claudine for a couple years now and she is such a super, wonderful and talented person. However, I was really lucky this past April to be able to take one of her workshop while I was at Ranger U.
I really LOVE her art techniques!!! Before I even knew I was going to Ranger, Claudine asked myself and 19 other wonderful crafters to do a take on some of her fun techniques and be part of this fun workshop. You can see all of the artists that are part of this workshop HERE. You won’t want to miss this because Claudine has really put an amazing class together and I feel SO honoured that I have a wee, little part in it!
So, what will you be doing in the workshop?
Create a faux tintype image transfer, make art with Elmer's glue and a plastic bag, create a gesso chalkboard—these are just a few of the amazing techniques featured in this class! Technique Toolbox is your chance to brush up on these (and 22 more) mixed-media techniques with nationally known collage artist and illustrator Claudine Hellmuth as your guide.
Technique Toolbox consists of 25 instructional videos and 25 professionally designed "recipe cards" that outline each technique. You'll file these printable recipes inside an adorable handmade toolbox you'll create in class. And that's not all! Claudine has invited 20 fellow artists and crafters to create exclusive projects with her techniques, giving you plenty of ideas for creative, real-world applications—from scrapbook pages to wall décor.
To read the rest of the class description and to register click –> HERE

Here is the run down about the class:
Master 25 mixed-media techniques in 5 weeks taught by Claudine Hellmuth, + 20 fellow artist guests, 5 week workshop , date: 7/15/2013-8/18/2013
BPC techniquetoolboxcards

So, is you want to learn a LOT of neat art techniques, this really is a SUPER, DUPER deal! Claudine really is AMAZING!!! And, I promise…you will LOVE all the guests that she has invited, because there is me *BIG SMILE*, and a certain someone whose first name starts with a “T” and his last name is ‘Holtz”. Ya…..I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with that! It’s Tim Holtz!! How cool is that!   
And there a whole bunch of awesome artists and crafters like:
To join in this wonderful workshop you can visit HERE.
Susan xo


  1. Thanks for the info Susan..woohooo you!!

  2. You are welcome Tracy...and Thank-you! xo


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