
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Exciting Big Picture Classes-Ali Edwards Giveaway!

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Big Picture Classes have some AWESOME new summer workshops including a wonderful one from from the {AMAZING} Ali Edwards.
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Hello Story
7/8/2013-9/29/2013 $99
Class Description
What's your story? This summer, say hello to a dozen fun strategies for sharing more of your words, and more of yourself, on your scrapbook pages.
In her new 12-week workshop, Hello Story, Ali Edwards will introduce you to 12 storytelling techniques—never-before-seen in her prior journaling workshops—that will bring creativity and clarity to both your writing and your page designs. Every week, you get to sit over Ali's shoulder and watch her transform her story ideas into timeless, authentic, story-rich scrapbook pages.
Through dozens of in-depth videos that cover storytelling and design ideas as well as 36+ exclusive layout examples from Ali (12" x 12" and 8 1/2" x 11" layouts, plus Project Life inserts), Hello Story will inspire you to take action and give you the tools you need to tell your own stories with confidence.
Are you ready to discover (or rediscover) the fun that comes from the interplay of design and words? By the end of class, you may even enjoy the writing process just as much as you love taking photos and playing with paint and paper!
read rest of description here
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I am SUPER excited because the wonderful people at Big Picture Classes have given me one spot for Ali Edwards Online Workshop to GIVE AWAY! How COOL is that!
Here is what you have to do:
~Leave a comment telling me why you like to scrapbook.
~Go invite a friend to like us on our Facebook page.
-Be sure to go check out Big Picture Classes!
The winner will be announced on July 2, 2013.
And remember the wonderful Claudine Hellmuth has an online workshop this summer too! You can find of more information HERE. It really is going to be a CREATIVE summer!!!


  1. I love scrapbooking because it gives me an outlet to relive all the best (and worst) moments of my life and show those moments to any and everyone who looks at my pages :)

  2. I love scrapbooking because it is so therapeutic. If I am not creative almost every day, it's like something is missing. I live to create.

  3. How generous of you, Susan. I love scrapbooking because I get to chronicle the little stories that make up life, and in a more creative way than when my grandma slipped photos into albums - I mean, who were those people with her, what were they doing,and how did it make her feel, what was she thinking when they took the photo? Scrapbooking allows me to tell the stories behind the photos - love it.

  4. I Scrqpbook because I wasn't to record memories, but I also love the creative escape and just playing around with paper and paints through art journaling, too! Thanks for the giveaway and I shared this post on Facebook!

  5. I love to scrabook because my 3 kids, 6 and under, take my page(s) that I have completed, the next day, and show them to each other. Their priceless reactions put a smile on my face and remind me that 'that is why I do what I do'.I also have a 12 x12 frame on the wall for displaying, and they love that-I think it is good for their esteem! I don't go out much at all, so scrapbooking gives me an 'out' so I can have something to do and to keep my sanity-to be better Mommy.I can forget everythhing negative and concentrate how wonderful my family is. When I go to crops 3 times a year, it gives me a bit of social time when I can talk about scrapbooking stuff and my fellow scrapbookers don't think those things are ridiculous but normal among us!

  6. I love to scrapbook because I get to tell our stories, not only for us who live in our home but for our family that lives far away and for the future generations.

  7. Scrapbooking is absolutely awesome!! I love to scrapbook because it lets me be creative and tell my story. It is an expression of who I am....my family and friends mean the world to me! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful prize!!

  8. I love to scrapbook because it allows me to be creative and at the same time to document all the little bits of life that we might otherwise forget.

  9. I like to scrapbook because I love the memories. I love to look at my pages and relive the good times. I liked you on FB and asked my friend to like you too. And I already Like Big Picture.


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