
Friday, March 2, 2012

Thank-you for reaching out!!! xx


It is my birthday today and I really feel so blessed by all the wonderful emails, phone call, messages, and notes that I have been receiving from family, friends, designers, and acquaintances all of the world! I have to admit when my dad died and then when my mom went into hospital last year… well birthdays scared me because we were always a BIG family event kind of family. It made me sad because I really missed that in my life and even though I have my precious kiddos and hubbie…I missed my parents calling me first thing in the morning to sing me Happy Birthday!!!

So thank-you each and everyone of you that have reached out to take the time to say or write Happy Birthday!!! You have made this crazy creative Ukrainian SO happy today!!! If I could I would give you each a GREAT BIG HUG!!!


 Here is Christopher in Boston. I couldn't resist putting a Dr.Seuss quote on here!


Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!!IMG_2588[1]

I took a couple minutes a treated myself  by  creating with Rhonna Farrer's new Circus creations called Spring Circus Bundle.Isn't it amazing!!! I had so much fun playing. You can find all kinds of spring lovelies at her store HERE.

Spring Circus Bundle


Thank-you again for being you!!!




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