
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reboot your Soul Today


How are you doing today? Are you having a good day? I sure hope so. If you are like me, you are likely running a million miles a minute in a hundred different directions.Well, {slow} down girl! It is okay to take a little time for yourself and do something for yourself just because YOU want to do it!

You are special…so look after yourself!

Find a quiet spot where you like to go and escape for a few minutes or more to gather your thoughts and to reboot your soul!

{Everyone will thank-you & you will be HAPPIER!}



Kiss Me Kits Bundle

For the the wonderful digital designs on my photograph I used some of Rhonna Designs.  I also had fun creating a banner using some of Rhonna Farrer's monograms.


Banner made with watercolor paper, old book pages, old tissue paper, Rhonna Farrer monograms, Clearsnap Smooch


 Monogram Junque Kit

I hope that you have a super wonderful day!


1 comment:

  1. susan...the banner is adorable! you got me at old tissue paper. love it!
    going a million miles a min?
    yep...that's me...have already had my slow down point today...yikes!
    and i see here you are teaching in company with donna downey!!?? i worship at your feet...that is fabulous!!! would love to hear details.


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