
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!


What a busy year! In fact it was so busy that time just seemed to race by! I want to thank everyone for there wonderful words of encouragement and for their friendship! It really has meant a lot to me! Sometimes we are thrown some difficult challenges in our lifes and it really is nice to have friendly word to lift you up …so thank-you! Thank-you also for being a part of the Christmas Love Campaign! It is NOT over yet! There still is the final give away. The deadline has been extended to Sunday, January 2, 2011. If you don't have Facebook please leave your comment here on the blog with a link to your pictures, blog or work! There still is an awesome prize package to give away that has products in it from all of our sponsors including a 1 year subscription to Canadian Scrapbooker!

Plus, I have some major changes going on around here with some exciting news, so you will see some changes going on  here during the next few weeks! Really exciting stuff, but I can't tell ya quite yet!

Well, I hope that all of you and your families have a fantastic New Year! May you all be happy, healthy and super creative! I look forward to a very creative 2011!

Keep on Scrappin'


1 comment:

  1. Susie, thanks so much for the goodies from the Christmas 2010 campaign! That is so generous of you! You did a great job promoting all of this love! 'Looking forward to sharing in the coming year!

    Take care,



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