
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

That's What Sisters Do!

Hello.....Yes I'm back!
It's Julie Short here.
Yes I do get confused and can't read a calendar.
Phew that's the confession done.....now on to the fun stuff.

We share our home with many creatures and these two are our beloved Girls.
Their personalities are so different!

Angel - highly strung, bossy with a 4kg sized body and 1000% sassy attitude!

Bella - cruisy, extremely gentle, super protective of me.

This layout came together really quickly.
I did not need to fuss. it was inspired by a funny, little, every day, simple moment.
 One that involved Miss 1000% and a very determined me!

It is very difficult to get too annoyed with a 4 kilogram, roaring like a lion, ball of attitude!
She raged and grumbled all the way up stairs.
Bella bore the brunt of her bad temper!
After a few minutes of quiet and I tiptoed up to see what they were up to.
It became a story!
 I got out the Susan K.Weckesser Whimsical Papers and these stamps 

I made a memory!
A simple everyday memory.

Taking time to enjoy the simple things is indeed sweet.


  1. Yes, it's amazing how temperaments can rule the house with pets! The LO is precious! Love the papers!!

  2. Absolutly stunning Julie and oh my how gorrrrrrgeous they are..huge cuddles from me to Angel and Bella..oooh my Rosie would have a ball playing with them.
    Big hugs to you too

  3. Haha - oh how cute! Love the pups and how you used the stamps!

  4. I love this, Julie. Wouldn't our lives be a sad, sad thing without our pets? My two dogs bring such joy to my life. Thanks for your everyday story -- and wonderful LO!


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