
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Using Old Scrapbook Supplies

If you are anything like me, you have a lot of scrapbooking supplies that are a few years old hanging around your house. 
Sometimes it can be really hard to part with it and you really don't have to. A lot of the papers, products, and colors from a couple of years a go are neutral enough to mix in with today's styles and pictures. If you really don't want to keep some supplies there are always groups such as church groups, women's organization, or children's groups that can use use extra crafting supplies and will likely gladly take your extra! Try to recycle you old supplies and mix them in with your new products. It is interesting to see how many old things like punches, are actually becoming popular again.  

                                          Keep on Scrappin'

Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting Published in a Scrapbooking Magazine

Scrapbooking is a beautiful hobby.  It is a way to preserve memories, precious moments and personal times. However scrapbooking is an ever growing and changing industry that like any art form is constantly evolving.  Scrapbookers want to learn new techniques. Often we turn to magazines for new ideas. Magazines often look for scrapbookers to submit photos or articles to there magazine so other scrapbookers can learn from them.  It is great fun to be published in a magazine, however like with any publisher, there are guidelines that you must follow in order to make your work more favorable or printable. You have to remember that a magazine wants to be reader friendly. The following interview by Studio Calico with Megan Hoeppner of Creating Keepsakes is excellent for showing you what a magazine looks for when looking at potential artwork.
Studio Calico: Q and A with Megan Hoeppner!: "I'm interrupting the regularly scheduled blog posts to share a bit from this month's guest designer and Creating Keepsakes editor, Ms. Mega..."
So give it a try, but most importantly remember to have fun! Always remember the real reason that you started scrapbooking!

                         Keep on Scrappin'

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Altering a School Folder

altered folder

This mixed media project goes along with my current article in the Canadian Scrapbooker article: Family Fun: |Back to School Finds.

altered folder cl up

I had a lot of fun using an extra paper folder that I had picked when back to school shopping and converting it into a memory album for a baby.  I used an old card that someone had sent to me when I was a baby and bit of scrap scrapbooking paper, mulberry paper, and home made paper. I used a photo that didn’t turn out to well, but I made it look great by painting it up. Of course, the best part of this is that I was able to use mod podge, one of my favourite things!

Try sitting down and mod podge some random things an a folder. It really is liberating and fun! Give it a try!

Have a fantastic day!

               Keep on Scrappin’


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to School Paper Wreath

back to school wreath
back to school wreath close up 1
back to school wreath close up 2
back to school wreath close up 3
I had fun creating this wreath using some extra lined paper that we had lying around the house after buying school supplies this past month. I mod podged two layers of paper together. By doing this it made the paper more sturdy. I did the same with some to die for Fancy Pants and Jillibean Soup paper. I then cut circles out of the paper and made flowers by putting it together with some flowers and some brads. To complete my grape vine wreath I used Jillibean adorable alphabet ribbon.
There is so many school supplies at great prices available right now, so try and use them! Have fun!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Susiebee Studios is having a jillibean soup contest!

jillibean Contest for blog
I am so excited about this! My article with the Canadian Scrapbooker entitled, ‘Back to School Finds’ is out and jillibean soup gave me a couple beautiful  packages to give away as  prizes for the ‘Back to School’ scrapbooking & paper crafting contest the we are that we are having at Susiebee Studios! You have until November to play, so make sure that you do!